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Capacity building and skills training programs for women
Community networks are small-scale, locally owned infrastructure providers that can effectively address digital inclusion in areas underserved by commercial operators. They can provide tailored solutions that understand and address local context and needs.
Community networks as locally-driven solutions
Economic barriers including lack of financial resources and time
Financing mechanisms to support inclusion initiatives
Human rights
Importance of addressing social and cultural barriers
Importance of official policy frameworks and action plans
Lack of access to affordable devices and internet connectivity
Lack of digital literacy and skills
Lack of gender data gaps
Legal and regulatory
Malahat Obaid
My question is why, is there scope and opportunity to consider community networks beyond rural areas?
Need for gender-disaggregated data
Need for gender-disaggregated data to inform policies
Need for gender-responsive laws and legal frameworks
Need for policies and frameworks to ensure women's online safety
Onica Makwakwa
Policies and frameworks to ensure women's online safety
Scope of community networks
Social and cultural barriers limiting women's access
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Structured approach with clear implementation plan
Support groups to address online gender-based violence
Value of digital policies that address inclusion at community levels
Waqas Hassan